S͆E͆L͆A͆M͆A͆T͆ B͆E͆R͆K͆U͆N͆J͆U͆N͆G͆ ɓเ∂αɾℓαɱ ωεɓ: Wholesale market for Jakarta tanah abang clothing Wholesale market for Jakarta tanah abang clothing -ɓเ∂αɾℓαɱ ωεɓ

Minggu, 14 April 2019

Wholesale market for Jakarta tanah abang clothing


The Tanah Abang market is a wholesale percussion and dozen shopping places to retail which can be said to be the biggest in Indonesia.
Tanah Abang fame has also spread abroad.
the various goods and prices there are known for their low prices or cheap if they buy dozens more especially if they are large, and at least 3 - 6 pieces.
So it is not surprising that many shop owners make Abang land as a shopping place for their store stock.
but it cannot be denied that the tanah abang is still often congested because there are many activities of people and vehicles who want to shop, especially when it is approaching Eid al-Fitr.
Jammed in the tanah abang

Want to shop in Tanah Abang using your own car or motorcycle? Hmm ... it's good that you have to think twice first, especially at certain times meet congestion without being able to walk. The easiest way is to take public transportation or train to be easier and safer when you get there. gambar

Take advantage of your android, Before leaving, it is better for those of you who do not understand the land area of ​​tanah abang to learn the location map through the google map in each block that will be visited. Because it is not impossible to be confused after arriving there because of the crowded and full of visitors. learn every angle starting from block A, block F, and so on. And even then if you don't want to get lost ...; D Because tanah abang is never quiet and always crowded and you might even sweat because of it. Unless it comes at the end of the month which is usually slightly reduced by visitors. regarding area of ​​the tanah abang, maybe you are not enough to roam in one day ...: D When you are confused looking for a way you can ask the guard or security guard there .

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Safe way of shopping

Prepare enough money needed, unless you want to buy all the goods there, because it is not impossible to be attracted to others because of the many types of various kinds of clothing. If necessary, make a list of estimates that will be purchased to be more efficient. shopping in the tanah abang also has to be a little clever at bargaining, but don't bid if you have no interest in the item, besides being able to confuse yourself, it will also disappoint them the merchant community, as already there rules (trade rules). if you still don't know the price, it's good to ask first from one place to another to find out the price to make it easier when bidding after that. After that it's up to you to look for clothes that you like according to your taste .

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